We’re constantly innovating, internally or for customers, and we now have our “Pay By the Hour” for VPS runtime product released in the form of ‘VPS Options’, with this functionality deployed in a ‘public beta’ at this product’s initial launch.
Our “Per Hour Charging” for VPS means that customers can purchase a VPS product on our website and once provisioned, they can fund its ongoing operation (runtime, where the VPS is booted and online) through the purchase of our “Cloud Credits” products, which provide a ‘Credit Balance’ from which the hourly operation of VPS services can be funded. In order to interoperate with our Paypal based payment method, we continue to have a base VPS monthly fee, funded via Paypal Subscriptions.
Cloud Credits are currently set at 1 Cent in value, so 100 Cloud Credits of credit for your VPS is purchased with just $1 of Cloud Credits on our website, and we have a 1000 ($11 in GST), 5000 and higher Cloud Credits products on our website to provide for the funding of VPS which are charged for “by the hour” of the VPS runtime, and these extra Cloud Credits products can be purchased with a once-only Paypal payment (not the default Paypal subscription which creates a monthly recurring payment) through our checkout process. We also offer discounts for larger up-front Cloud Credit purchases, so you can purchase 5000 Cloud Credits for less than $50, and still use them at the $1/Credit rate.
Please do note that all our listed prices are in Australian Dollars and include the Australian GST.
You can view your VPS available Cloud Credits and its Runtime stats in the web-based VPS Management ‘Usage’ pages for that VPS. Our API will report your Cloud Credit balance and other runtime relevant information soon this coming week now too.
VPS that are ‘stopped’ don’t incur any Cloud Credits while they aren’t running, but still have their VPS Plan’s “minumum monthly spend” charged (which is typically between 50% (for cheapest VPS Plans) to 10% of their full month runtime cost) which funds the VPS’ resources allocated and available on a monthly recurring basis, even when the VPS is stopped or not running.
The base monthly fee for a Runtime VPS Plan does include some Cloud Credits, currently at the rate of 50% of the value of the VPS Plan’s monthly fee. eg: If your Runtime based VPS Plan is $5/month minimum cost, then you’ll get 250 Cloud Credit each month to fund that VPS runtime included with the monthly fee.
VPS that have run out of Cloud Credits are shutdown soon after their last funded hour of runtime, and suspended from running again until their Account has Cloud Credits available again.
Our “Per Hour” VPS runtime rate is to be selectable as a VPS Option on most of our VPS Plans, initially across the Xen SSD VPS range as a form of ‘public beta’ release, but it will be progressively rolled out across more of the VPS Plans on our main website (https://www.networkpresence.com.au) during December 2015 and January 2016.
I’ll post more information and such about our Pay By The Hour of Runtime VPS Options and product as its rolled-out to more of our VPS Plans.
FYI and regards,