OpenVAS install on CentOS/RHEL 9

Our CentOS 9 Image works with the following to provide a working OpenVAS install.

Login to your CentOS 9 VPS & become the root user and run the following commands:

dnf upgrade -y
dnf -y install wget
dnf config-manager –set-enabled crb
dnf install epel-release -y
dnf update -y

Then reboot.

After reboot re-login to the shell command line as root and download & run the installer for the Atomic Repository, which is done with:

wget -q -O - |  sh

This is an interactive process and you’ll need to accept the T&Cs etc for it to proceed and complete.

Once the above installs & commands are done, you can start the install of OpenVAS, via DNF:

dnf install gvm -y

This takes a while but once done you can start the configuration of OpenVAS with:


This take a very long time, many hours (can be 6-10+ hours for us in Australia), just wait, it will complete & it has good error detection and retry/resync on failed downloads, so let it run. Maybe run it in a screen or other non-interruptable terminal login session eg: tmux.

At the end of ‘gvm-setup’ it’ll prompt you for your “admin” user’s password that you need to set.

After that it restarts itself and you’re ready to login to your VPS IP Address website (ie: https://VPS IP Address & accept the self-generated Cert) with the “admin” user’s password that you entered.

FYI and holler if you need help with your OpenVAS VPS at Network Presence.


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