Available for Consulting & Contracting on Internet, Linux & Open-Source in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne & Adelaide

Following the sale of the Groundhog development team and work pipeline to DWS in Adelaide recently, I’m now available at short-notice for brief work contracts in Adelaide (primarily), Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney in Australia, as well as Asia, Europe and the US.

My preference and major availability for is brief or short (days to 1 month fulltime work duration) highly technical or specialist system or network work on Linux or FreeBSD Operating Systems and I specialise in detailed or complicated open-source technology deployments, upgraded, re-factoring, etc.

As mentioned above, my availability for on-site attendance is limited to hours, days or up to 1 month fulltime on-site work duration in the above cities, but I can telework on different time period basis too (eg: in our outside ‘business hours’ on-call SysAdmin based in Adelaide, South Australia).

If you have a need for my services, please feel free to contact me by email to richard networkpresence.com.au or phone on +61 414 882 225 and other details and information are in my LinkedIn page.

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