Colo includes a VPS for High Availability, Failover or Backup

We’ll formalise this on our Plans pages soon, but all our Colo Plans now include a minimum of a 500MB VPS (either KVM or Xen based) within our network, but on different routers, switches and as much a seperate path to the Internet that we can offer.

This means that your Colo box could fail (or your site go “nuts”) sometime or your main hosting platform fail for hours/days, and you can cut your front-line content serving over to the VPS to provide yourself with a quick failover from any ‘failure’ of your own Colo equipment or hosting capability.

We’re happy to scale this ‘failover’ VPS capacity as you may need too, so disk, CPU & RAM for this HA/Redundant VPS is available if your Colo fails in the midst of high usage..


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