Adding Fantastico to your cPanel VPS

Our cPanel VPS Plan is very popular with web developers who wish to host their customers’ sites within their own control through WHM/cPanel Managed VPS capabilities and one common addition or Plugin that is requested is Fantastico, which makes the job of installing commonly needed Content Management Systems (CMS) and other open-source web based software very simple.

This blog post quickly outlines the steps to install and activate Fantastico on your WHM/cPanel VPS.

First, SSH login as root to your cPanel server and enter following commands:

cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
wget -N
tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz

Then login to your WHM (as root) and click on Tweak Settings, then you should ensure that both the Ioncube loader is selected for the backend copy of PHP, then Save that change to the PHP Loader.

Next click on the Plugins link at WHM Home and click the ‘Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin’ and follow the on screen instructions to start your Fantastico install and all its downloads.

This step takes some minutes as Fantastico downloads each of the range of software that it can make available for you to develop your websites (eg: Joomla, Drupal, many PHP Utilities etc).

Once the Fantastico admin install is done, there’s two links presented at the bottom of the install log and they should be selected in series and save their initial default entries to quickly finish Fantastico’s setup on your cPanel VPS after its initial install. Usually the defaults for these post-install steps are Ok to use, but please check or note any items identified with a ‘*’ next to them to ensure they’re what you want.

Finally, ensure that your PHP is built with the IonCube loader and that IonCube is enabled by logging into your WHM site as root, select the ‘Server Configuration’ menu and the ‘Tweak Settings’ page, then click the ‘PHP’ tab and at the bottom, select ‘ioncube’ as the “cPanel PHP loader” and click the ‘Save’ button there.

If IonCube is not listed in the PHP Tweak tab, then see our “IonCube Install on cPanel” blog post and any Network Presence VPS customers can contact us for help on this or to schedule us to perform this work on their NetPres VPS.

FYI and regards,

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